Caetano Veloso "Caetano Veloso" (1986)
ブラジルの音楽家カエターノ・ヴェローゾのほぼセルフカヴァー引き語りアルバム。 彼はセルフタイトルアルバムを何枚も出しているが、これは1986年発表の作品。 7曲目「O Leaozinho」(オ・レオンジーニョ)目当てで買ったのです。 この曲はその昔ゴンチチのラジオ番組か何かで流れていて、 すばらしい曲だなと思ったのを覚えています。 元々は1977年Bichoというアルバムの収録曲。 This self-titled album is by Caetano Veloso, a Brazilian musician. Most of the songs are self covered. He had produced several self titled albums, but this one was released in 1986. I bought this for a song "O Leaozinho," which was probably played on the radio program by a Japanese accoustic guitar duo Gontiti. I thought what a simple and beautiful song this was. This song was originally in his album "Bicho" released in 1977.